Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Simple Past Passive Verb (supplementary material)

It is unfortunate that I can not use tables in the blog. Some aspects of grammar are best taught using tables. Even so we can still do a good job without them. I got feedback from one of my students and I understood the real problem second language learners of English have. Their problem arises from having very few English words. The lesson could therefore begin with one making a list of nouns of the things in their environment for example table, chair, pen, window, and book. The next task is to think of actions that can be done to these nouns. Table-make, paint. Chair-clean. Pen- buy, throw. Window –wash, shut. Book –read, sell. The next task would be to ensure that all the verbs are in the past tense. Then turn the verb into a passive verb. made – was made. Paint –was painted. Clean – was cleaned. Buy – was bought. Wash – was washed. Throw –was thrown. Shut – was shut. Read – was read. Sell – was sold. Finally, start your sentences with the subject that you had come up with and then finish it with the correct passive verb form e.g. The table was made. You should be able to make eight more sentences. Remember that if what is in the subject position is plural then you must use a plural verb e.g. “The plates were washed” and not “The plates was washed”. Have fun making sentences. Remember this lesson should be used alongside the first lesson on The Past Simple Passive. The next post will be on the "Be verbs"

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