Thursday, September 20, 2012

Abstract Nouns (Passage)

Objective: Identify and list all the abstract nouns in the passage. Do you think school is important? We go to school to learn. When we learn three things happen. We get knowledge, skills and values. These things will in future help us to serve our nation. So what is knowledge? In our grammar series we began by studying verbs. We learned that verbs are action or state words. We are even able to give examples of action and state words. This is what we know about verbs. When you know something then you have knowledge about it. You also have knowledge about nouns. You know that nouns are naming words. You know that nouns name people, places and things. Further, you know that we have different types of nouns. We have proper nouns, common nouns, concrete nouns and abstract nouns. And what do you know about skills? Can you throw a ball? That is a skill. Can you catch a ball thrown at you? That too is a skill. If I gave you a phone and asked you to call your parents, would you do it? Well, that too is a skill. Think about anything that requires you to use your limbs, that is, your hands or legs, and you have a skill. But some skills do not require our limbs. Are you able to read this passage on your own? That is a skill. Are you good with numbers? Can you add, subtract, divide and multiply? You guessed it right, that too is a skill. Let’s now turn our attention to values. We do things that our elders like. For example, we always say thank you when somebody gives us something. What do you do when you meet somebody for the first time every day? You greet them of course. If you do not greet them, they will be very cross with you. So “thank you” and “how are you” are not just phrases we like using. They are values of our people. Are you one of those people who jump queues? Our people frown upon anyone who cannot keep order. Without order there is no harmony. Harmony is a very important value. We lose it when we jump queues, use bad language or even fight. We are a nation of forty- four tribes and the only reason there is peace is because we are taught to live in harmony with everybody around us. So once we have a lot of knowledge, skills and values we are ready to serve the nation. Wait a bit, for you to get enough of these three things to serve your nation; you have to be in school for at least sixteen years. By this time you will be an adult. Remember, adulthood is that stage in life when you become independent. You buy your own clothes, food and shelter. You are now responsible enough to be of service. But what responsibility will you be given? This will depend on the knowledge, skills and values that you have. So you are not too young to start thinking of how you want to serve your nation when you grow up. How many abstract nouns can you find in this passage? By Walter Akach

1 comment:

  1. Hiya! Have you ever paid attention, has your writting level improved recently?
