Friday, August 31, 2012

Standard Four Sentence Pattern: “Same… Nominal...As…”

Objective: Write sentences that draw comparisons of nouns with similar qualities. This sentence pattern is used when talking about things that are similar. At school we can have similar marks, points, answers etc. If you shared similar marks, points or answers with you friends then you can say: 1) Mary scored the same marks as I did. 2) Julius wrote the same answer as I did. 3) Rose wrote down the same points I did. Now think of anything that you have that is similar to one that your friend has. Write down seven sentences to show that you have similar items. We can move away from the classroom. Do your sentences resemble these? 1) Mary watches the same movies as I do. 2) Rose likes the same dishes as I do. 3) Julius visits the same barber as I do. 4) Jane’s dress is the same colour as mine. 5) The Game Parks in Kenya have the same animals as those in South Africa. 6) Kenyans speak the same Kiswahili as Tanzanians. 7) KTN has the same movies as NTV. Good. Now keep looking around you and when you find things that are similar to yours make a sentence to show that similarity. All the nouns we have used so far are common nouns. It is also possible to use abstract nouns, for example, length, height and depth. 1) My pen is the same length as yours. 2) Our fence is the same height as yours. 3) Their swimming pool is the same depth as ours. Now use the nouns length, height and depth to make two sentences each. Look at the environment in which you are reading this lesson and use items from it to make your sentences. Finally, make as many sentences as you wish following the pattern you have just learned. You are free to use both common and abstract nouns.

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